Our online program is designed with your needs in mind.
You have the freedom to complete classes on your schedule and create a learning experience that fits your lifestyle, with access to faculty who will support you throughout your academic journey.
As long as you turn assignments in by your class deadlines, you can set your own pace.
Open Bible College is an institute of higher education that offers a two year, 60 semester hour Diploma in Biblical Studies & Church Leadership.
Total Program Hours: 60
A survey of the Old Testament in the context of the history, geography, and culture of Old Testament times. The chief events, characters, and teachings of each book are studied in relation to their place in the ongoing revelation of God’s plan.
PROFESSOR: Rev. Joshua Bingaman, M.A.
An overview of the New Testament giving special emphasis to the content, genre, theme, and historical setting of each book of the New Testament, along with the intent and purpose of each writer. The study includes a unit dealing with the life of Christ, as well as how the Scriptures were produced and handed down in their present form.
PROFESSOR: Rev. Jacob Grotjan, M.Div.
A chronological study of the life and ministry of Christ through comparison of the parallel accounts of the Gospels, analysis of the distinctive features of each gospel, and application of the gospel writers’ theological perspective.
PROFESSOR: Rev. Frank Luke, M.Div.
A study of the science of Biblical interpretation for its application to preaching and teaching including a survey of the history, science, principles and practices of biblical interpretation. The classroom becomes a laboratory where the student, by using selected genre, is trained to discover the true meaning of the biblical passage by applying correct principles and using proper tools.
PROFESSOR: Rev. Jacob Grotjan
A study of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy in relation to historical, cultural, religious, geographical and political backgrounds. This course will also explore how these five books lay the foundation for the entire Bible. Interpretation in light of the divine redemptive plan revealed in the New Testament will also be explored.
PROFESSOR: Rev. Frank Luke, M.Div.
This course will provide an in-depth study of the Apostle Paul’s letters to the churches in Galatia and Rome. Attention will be given to backgrounds, critical issues, original language insights, theology, and contemporary application of each book.
PROFESSOR: Rev. Bart Bentley, M.Div.
This class covers the experience and ethics of authentic Christianity within contemporary culture. Using the Word of God, students embrace its unique worldview as a foundation for exemplary living, decision making, exploring personal aspirations, facing dilemmas and problem solving. Christian devotion and service in the Church and the marketplace are emphasized as well as the essential spiritual disciplines for character formation: engaging Scripture, personal and intercessory prayer, the dynamic of the Holy Spirit, and purity in lifestyle. Students are challenged to discover (and become one with) God’s view of themselves, the current times, and God’s purposes in the world.
PROFESSOR: Rev. Brent Kelderman, Ed.D.
This course is an introduction to the biblical theology of missions with an emphasis on the mission of the church to the world. This course will help the student in a study of ways to implement the Great Commission in the world today. It will consider the questions as to the call and qualifications for missionary work.
PROFESSOR: Rev. Tammy Swailes, M.A.
This course is a study of the New Testament mandate and models for personal evangelism and discipleship training, which will enable the student to personally practice and teach these effectively. Attention will be given to the study of Christian apologetics and how to share the gospel in a manner that is appropriate to various major cults and world religions.
PROFESSOR: Rev. Brent Kelderman, Ed.D.
This course covers the responsibilities of the pastor in counseling and in the spiritual oversight of pastoral care. This course includes various models of counseling with special emphasis placed on the importance of pastoral counseling. Application is made to premarital, family crisis, grief, and substance abuse counseling, with emphasis on developing strategies and applying scriptural principles.
PROFESSOR: Rev. Ken Groen, M.Div.
Models of leadership will be studied with an examination of Biblical leaders. This course will help the minister to discover and develop their spiritual gifting as well as to develop their skills to lead people and congregations. Attention is given to motivation, leadership style, team building, power, decision-making, organizational culture, and conflict resolution.
PROFESSOR: Rev. Joshua Bingaman, M.A.
A basic course in the art and science of biblical sermon construction and methodology. Special emphasis is given to the process of constructing sermons which are based on the meaning of the original author of the Scripture used for the sermon and which address contemporary human needs.
Course Prerequisites: BIB 2322
PROFESSOR: Rev. Joshua Bingaman, M.A.
This course examines the basic principles of the effective pastoral church administration and management of the various ministries of the local church. Strategies of how to organize effective church ministries, administration, leadership, and management will be addressed. This course provides the student with a foundational understanding of the structures and functions of the local church from a biblical and theological perspective. The students will learn functional skills and current administration principles that will equip them for the executive aspect of the ministry. The course deals with organizational leadership, vision, mission, culture, strategic planning, legal and tax issues, budgeting, team building and supervising.
This course is designed to integrate factual knowledge of the Bible and the ministry process with practical field applications in actual ministry situations and settings. This course is designed to help the student apply the theoretical and factual knowledge gained in the classroom to specific ministry settings. This practicum serves to integrate the student's academic knowledge with practical situations to develop an understanding of the nature of the task of ministry.
An introductory survey of significant theological perspectives, personalities, and terms. The relationship of theology to the task of interpreting Scripture and the work of the church will be emphasized. The relationship between biblical theology, systematic theology and historical theology will be explored. The individual categories of systematic theology will be given individual treatment and consideration.
PROFESSOR: Rev. Joshua Bingaman, M.A.
This course is an overview and analysis of the historical, sociological, theological and spiritual background that led to the rise of the Pentecostal movement, with special attention given to the formation of Open Bible Churches. The development and expansion of the Pentecostal movement will be examined in general, and Open Bible Churches in specific, in order to evaluate the past and anticipate future growth and maturity. Particular attention will be given to Open Bible Churches Polity, and will include understanding of the various OBC bylaw models being utilized today, together with a comprehension of the congregational-presbyterian synthesis, our Global Missions structure, and the relationship between charismatic and institutional authority.
PROFESSOR: Rev. Spencer Keroff, M.Div.
An introduction to the philosophical study and defense of the Christian faith. The course will seek to formulate the rational basis for believing in Christian theism, with responses to objections and critiques of competing worldviews. This course includes an examination of the apologetic tasks and the rational justification of belief in the exclusive claims of Christianity.
PROFESSOR: Rev. Joshua Bingaman, M.A.
This course will examine these six doctrines: The Scriptures; The One True God; The Trinity; Created Spirit Beings; The Creation of the Universe and Humankind; and The Origin, Nature and Consequences of Sin.
PROFESSOR: Rev. Jeremy Geerdes, M.Div.
This course will examine the doctrines of Christ, His nature and work; of salvation, provided only by Christ and experienced by man through faith; of the Holy Spirit, His person, gifts, and work in the life of the believer and the Church; of the Church, its nature, ordinances, and mission; and of eschatology, including the Second Coming of Christ, the Millennium, the judgments, and the final triumph of Christ and the church.
PROFESSOR: Rev. Jeremy Geerdes, M.Div.
A survey of the history of Christianity from the New Testament era to contemporary times. Special attention is given to the persecution and early challenges to the church, the rise and fall of the papacy, Scholasticism, to the Reformation and the Counter Reformation, Wesley and the Holiness Movement, the impact of the Enlightenment, and revivals.
PROFESSOR: Rev. Jacob Grotjan, M.Div.
An introductory course that will examine the histories, alphabets, syllabification, and pronunciation systems for the biblical languages of ancient Hebrew and Koine Greek. Key vocabulary words will be memorized for each language. Emphasis will be placed on the student’s competence in conducting a “word study” for each language.
PROFESSOR: Rev. Jacob Grotjan, M.Div.